If you’re bored of everything in your wardrobe, it all seems a little plain, now might be the perfect time to learn how to choose prints. You don’t need to go wild if you’ve never worn much print before but introducing prints that really suit you can shake things up a little.
What sorts of patterns do you like?
Firstly, think about the sort of patterns you’re drawn to. What do you have in your home? What does the art or wallpaper look like on your walls? Is it subtle or bold? Do you like stripes, spots, geometrics, florals or animal print? Don’t worry about what everyone else is wearing, your friends or the influencers on Instagram, trust your own instincts. What do YOU like?
Think about size
Secondly, think about size. Larger scale prints will suit larger people, smaller scale prints will suit smaller people. However, the size of your print should work with your personality too so for example, dramatic style personalities will tend to enjoy a larger print whereas romantic style personalities may be drawn to a prettier, ditsy print.

What sort of patterns do you like?
What’s your body shape?
Now consider your body shape. In general, curvy patterns look better on curvy bodies and geometrics, checks and stripes sit better on a straighter body. However, there’s always a way to bend the rules, so, for example, if you love a stripe but have a very curvy body, don’t choose a vertical stripe that is meant to hang straight. Instead, choose more of a wiggly stripe, a diagonal or a chevron for a more slimming effect.

Skirt from Mango

Dress from Boden
Notice the colours in the print you’re about to choose. Are they high contrast like black and white or close contrast like cream and camel? Which do you look better in? Does the pattern contain warm or cool colours or a mixture of both? Do you know which skin tone you are and therefore which colours to pull out and mix with the pattern? Do you already have plain items in your wardrobe that you can pair with the print?

Are the colours soft and muted, high contrast, harmonious, warm, cool…?
There is a huge amount of print around this season, particularly florals, stripes and geometrics, so I hope these tips help you to consider carefully before buying rather than wasting money on impulse buys which you later regret.
As always, if you get stuck and want to work through the prints that will suit you best and where to wear them on your body, do in get in touch for a colour and style consultation. Alternatively, we can explore prints more during a personal shopping trip.
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