If there’s one time of year that brings out almost everyone’s thoughts on personal style, it’s Christmas.
From wondering what to wear to the Christmas work’s do, to choosing a novelty Christmas jumper that’s flattering – so many things come into question during the festive season.
I love Christmas and I love getting glammed up, especially in Velvet which you’ll know if you follow me on Instagram. So it’s no surprise that I’ve written about what to wear at Christmas several times. So rather than write about it all again, I thought it would be much better to remind you of all the advice, tips and tricks I’ve given in the past.

thought of having to get dressed up and mingle confidently can instil dread. A thousand negative thoughts can start rushing round in your head: “I haven’t got anything to wear, I should have lost weight, I’m rubbish at doing my make-up/hair, I always feel out of place…” So if you’re one of those people that panic when an invitation arrives, keep calm and work your way through my tips for surviving and enjoying the Christmas season.

Most of us have a friend or relative that has no idea how lovely they look to others and often they’re full of self-doubt so a gift of confidence could be just what they need this Christmas.

You know you want or need to get one, but you may be wondering how to choose your Christmas jumper. There are so many different variations so here are a few considerations you may wish to bear in mind.

As the party season looms, you maybe be asking yourself this question. A fellow stylist, Helen Turnpenny, wrote a very thought-provoking post on Instagram this week that caught my eye. She said, “Retailers are always wanting us to buy more clothes, especially coming up to Christmas party season, so…
So, if you’re thinking of an experience gift for your loved ones this year, or maybe one for yourself, there are plenty of options to choose from. And if it’s just some easy-to-follow advice you’ve been after, then I’m sure you’ll have found a little nugget here.
Need advice on dressing your body shape and shopping easily?
Check out all the services I offer, especially for anyone wanting to look stylish this festive season and beyond.